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One Day in Aspen Creek, Audio Drama Series Coming Soon

As you know if you have been following my blog for the last year, I've been sharing lots of short-form audio content here. One of the micro audio dramas from early this year, "Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser", really seemed to resonate with folks and I've had repeated requests for more stories in that world.

It was never my intention to make that project a series, but after numerous people inquired about it, I decided to seriously think about how that might work. As part of the writing of that piece, I had developed a decent amount of backstory that never appeared in the actual audio drama but was there in the background shaping how the story took form. As I reviewed that material and mulled it all over, I felt that there was potential to revisit the setting of this small, midwest town and experience a little more of the slow life with Tom.

My next step was to reach out to Rose Beasley, the actress who played Kate in the piece, to see if she was interested in reprising the role. She confirmed that she was willing, so I began to further build out the world. I reached out to the Audio Drama Alliance members on a few different occasions for feedback on some of the ideas and they always came through with helpful responses.

So with that context in place, I am excited to announce that I am launching a new audio drama series based on the "Tom and Kate" story world called One Day in Aspen Creek!

The show will consist of short-form episodes of similar length to "Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser", which will serve as the pilot. Each one will be a self-contained little vignette, a peek into life in this fictional town of Aspen Creek for just a few minutes. This is not a fast-paced, high-energy, adventure show. It's just about getting a glimpse into life in a small town where everyone knows everyone and the waitress down at Hank's Diner knows your "usual".

As with all of my micro audio dramas, these episodes will live on this website and will be available to stream for free. The goal is for each episode to be able to stand alone so a listener can jump in anywhere and not be lost. While there will be some progression with Tom's character, this is not a serialized story and there is not an ongoing plotline or major story arc. It will not be running indefinitely, nor will it be a multi-season project; my thought at this point is that there will be about 10 to 12 episodes total. So you can consider it a miniseries, I suppose.

The next episode is scheduled to be released before the end of the year, though I'm not certain yet exactly when. The first draft of the script is done though I'm sure it will go through some revision before we start production. It is titled, "Another Day, Another Dollar" and along with Tom, we'll be meeting a visitor to Aspen Creek.

I have several more ideas already rattling around the ol' noggin, but if you enjoyed our first visit with Tom and Kate and have some ideas of what you'd like to hear happen with these characters, I am definitely open to hearing them! Be sure to leave them in the comments below, or send me an email.

If you know someone who would enjoy this show, please share this post with them! Thank you very much! And don't forget to join my email notification list so you are among the first to know when the next episode drops!

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